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one last thing before you go -- Advice from PC parents to their seniors

May 09, 2019
By Maureen Crone

Dear Class of 2019,

Congratulations! You’re almost there. You’re on your way to graduation and the great world beyond. Your teachers and parents have prepared you well for the years ahead, and know you are ready. These mentors have been behind you all the way, seniors. We’re proud of who you are, and wish you all the best. And offer just a few last messages for you to take with you...

Don’t be afraid to try. Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves.  The friends and contacts you make are invaluable to your future.

 It is ok to ask for help when you need it.   

Be able to laugh at yourself. Life will throw you many curve balls, and you can't take it all (or yourself) too seriously.

College is more than just the classes you'll take. It's where you will have experiences that you'll remember for a lifetime. Take the time to enjoy them.

...And on a more practical note: Don't wait until you're down to your last pair of underwear to do your laundry!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting their battle too.

Never think that God's delays are God's denials.  Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius.

You have been given the keys to your life, and you are now driving. Make good choices, so you do not drive yourself into a ditch, but just in case you do, remember all you have to do is ask for help, and we will be the tow truck to help you pull yourself out.  

These words are from actual parents and teachers… maybe even yours. Take them to heart (especially that suggestion about the laundry!), but most of all take them as a reminder of how much you mean to all of those who have helped you along your way to graduation. 

Maureen Crone is an enrollment marketing professional and the parent of two Knights.