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Becoming a Host Family

Peninsula Catholic works primarily with two agencies for host family opportunities.  If you are interested in being a host family for an international student, please use the contact information below.

New Oasis International Education
New Oasis is proud to work with families that might be interested in hosting a Peninsula Catholic student.  Host families are not required to have their own child at Peninsula Catholic.  We are looking for families that are able to provide their international student(s) with a welcoming and loving home.  You are asked to provide transportation to and from school, as well as after school activities. Additionally, as a host parent you will provide for other essentials at home.  Students should have their own bedroom, but can certainly share a bathroom in the home.  In exchange for opening your home for this wonderful experience you will receive an amazing cultural experience, a generous monthly stipend and a mutually rewarding experience.  If you have any questions, or to volunteer please contact JoAnn Boyce (local student coordinator) at 757-971-1880 or complete the online Homestay Inquiry Form.

Nacel Open Door
Nacel Open Door, Inc. is dedicated to promoting international understanding and language education. Nacel Open door is always looking for new host families for International Students. Students speak English, have full medical and liability insurance, and bring their own pocket money for personal expenses. Host families provide transportation, room, and board, and receive a monthly stipend (10 months for hosting). If interested in hosting an international student from our agency  you may contact Maxine Williams at 757-348-8722 (cell) or email