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If a student is found to be in violation of the Integrity Code, members of the Council for Academic Integrity will meet for a closed deliberation to discuss the infringement and decide on the disciplinary action to be taken. All penalty recommendations will be submitted to the Principal for final approval. Within 48 hours of this administrative hearing, the student will be informed of the outcome in writing.  The student may ask to modify the penalty through an appeal. Refer to the Code of Integrity Appeals section for more information on this process.
If a student violates the Code of Integrity on three separate occasions, it may be ground for being permanently withdrawn from Peninsula Catholic High School. 
Penalties for Code of Integrity violations include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Verbal warning

  • Written warning

  • Demerit(s) or detention(s)

  • Isolated lunch

  • Ineligible to run for a student office position

  • Removal from a student office position

  • Ineligibility for participation in athletics and extracurricular activities

  • Additional community service hours

  • A failing grade of zero for the work in question

  • Full financial restitution in the case of stealing

  • In-school suspension

  • Out-of-school suspension

  • Permanent withdrawal from Peninsula Catholic High School