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Any student found in violation of the Code of Integrity has the right to appeal the initial penalty decision made by the Council for Academic Integrity. Typically, an appeal is granted when there is new information to be presented to the Council.

Upon receipt of the written decision provided by the Council for Academic Integrity, a student has three school days to submit a written appeal to the Principal. Any appeal submitted after three school days is considered untimely and invalid.

The Principal will review the information provided in the written appeal to determine if an appeal administrative hearing should take place. Additionally, the Principal may review any supporting documentation, the administrative hearing recording, and consult with an adult member of the Council for Academic Integrity to discuss the appeal. The Principal will inform the student in writing of the appeal decision within 48 hours. 

If an appeal administrative hearing is granted, it will proceed within three days by delivering the written appeal decision to the student. The Council for Academic Integrity members who presided over the original hearing will participate in the appeal hearing. The student will be notified in writing within 48 hours of the appeal hearing decision.

If it is determined that an Integrity Code violation did NOT occur, all written and recorded documentation related to the incident will be destroyed.

If it is determined that an Integrity Code violation DID occur, the disciplinary action decision in the appeal administrative hearing is final and may not be appealed again.