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St. Vincent de Paul Virtual Academy


What is the class schedule?  
Students attending SVVA classes are taught in a semester format, similar to the colleges and universities. Full-time students attend four 90-minute classes per term, completing eight courses each year allowing opportunities for elective courses.

What courses are offered through SVVA?
SVVA offers all the core classes, several advanced courses, and a variety of electives for a well-rounded academic experience. While most classes can be offered virtually, a few select courses necessitate more hands-on/physical requirements or advanced technology are not able to be offered to the online learner. SVVA’s Curriculum Guide for the upcoming academic year is in process. Please refer to Peninsula Catholic’s current Curriculum Guide for core classes and general information.

Can my student take Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Enrollment (DE) courses at SVVA?
Absolutely!  SVVA offers an array of AP and DE courses (see our Curriculum Guide for offerings from 2020-21) that are administered by qualified instructors at Peninsula Catholic High School. Students can earn up to 57 college credits through AP and DE courses which will be cost-saving as students enter college. 

How does SVVA work with 504 or IEP accommodations?
Students with an IEP or 504 plan will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. If the needs of those students can be met, a Catholic Accommodation Plan will be created and will be supported by a full-time resource teacher who will ensure that their learning experience is successful.

Do you accept credits from other high schools?
Yes! SVVA will accept high school credits for courses completed through an accredited institution. Each student’s transcript is evaluated individually to create a personalized academic plan.

How can I check on my student’s progress at Saint Vincent de Paul Virtual Academy?
Parents will have access to Canvas, a Learning Management System, to view assignments and grades.  Parents can view online attendance through FACTS Family Portal. Parents have the opportunity to conference with teachers virtually every term and may contact a teacher via email with any concerns.  Report cards are sent electronically at mid-term and end of the term.